Very Bad Wod"



E-shop for mobility. Wide choice of foam roller, lacrosse balls or elastic bands for athletic people who want to develop their mobility.

Showing 1 - 6 of 6 items
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Dark blue single lacrosse ball with the engraving of the brand and the logo engraved by VERY BAD WOD

9,90 €
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Green single lacrosse ball engraved by VERY BAD WOD

9,90 €
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Pink single lacrosse ball engraved by VERY BAD WOD

9,90 €
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Purple single lacrosse ball engraved by VERY BAD WOD

9,90 €
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Turquoise single lacrosse ball engraved by VERY BAD WOD

9,90 €
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Yellow single lacrosse ball by VERY BAD WOD with the engraving of the brand and the logo engraved.

9,90 €
Showing 1 - 6 of 6 items